Learn To Fly

Flying training for Norfolk, Suffolk & the Anglia region

We are passionate about flying and we love to pass this passion on to everyone who learns to fly with us. The first step is a trial lesson where you get in the air to experience the thrill of handling the aircraft yourself. With our team of instructors, we teach on the newest types of Light sport recreational aircraft.
Choose from the Fixed Wing Ikarus C42, the de facto light sport performance aircraft, the Flexwing Microlight often known as Weightshift, or the modern Gyrocopter where manoeuvrability is the key element.

We teach for the NPPL (A) (Aircraft) and PPL (G) (Gyro) pilot licences and offer ground school and tuition for the exams you will need to pass. This includes the radio licence exam, not mandatory but necessary to communicate comfortably with air traffic controllers when flying across country.

The GST is the flying test you will take with our in House Examiner. On successfully passing the GST, you can opt for the restricted or unrestricted licence. The restricted licence allows you to fly as a licenced pilot within 8 nautical miles of your take off point. Get comfortable with flying the aircraft yourself then complete the final step to add the Navigation exam pass, and be free to fly to any destination within the U.K. 


  • Lessons are charged at £160 per hour timed from engine start to engine stop.
  • Ground school is available on site at £30 per hour.
  • The 5 mandatory exams are: Air Law, Human Factors, Aircraft Technical, Meteorology and Navigation All at £40 each
Once you have your licence, you will want to keep flying. Each of our students gaining their NPPL are automatically offered the option to join our Members Share Group. With its own dedicated aircraft, you arrive and fly. We do the rest. 

For those licensed pilots with a minimum of qualifying hours we can carry out differences training on the latest LSM category Shark S600. Further details on this are available upon request.

Remember “we fly for fun” and that’s just what we want you to do as a qualified pilot.