Terms & Conditions

Mid Anglia Light Sport Aviation (MALSA) Terms & Conditions for Trial Flights

Please Note – All our Air Experience  Flights are conducted by highly skilled and very experienced Flying Instructors who are fully authorised by the CAA to conduct them. As such your flight with us counts towards the grant of a Pilot’s license.

The Terms and Conditions below are laid out to protect both you and us – but please, be in no doubt, our primary aim is to ensure that you have a thoroughly enjoyable flight!


You have 7 days from receipt of your voucher to return it for a full refund. After this period no refund will be given. NB 7 days is from the date of receipt by the purchaser and not after subsequent receipt as a gift.


Vouchers purchased directly from us are valid 12 months and are only valid if signed in ink by an authorised member of MALSA.

We may occasionally supply vouchers to 3rd parties that are of shorter duration. Please ensure you check upon receipt and AND INFORM US OF ANY DISCREPANCY WITHIN 7 DAYS OF VOUCHER START DATE. Do ensure you book in good time to avoid disappointment.

Your voucher may only be extended beyond the expiry date if rescheduling has been required by MALSA due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control. If 12 months has passed and no booking made then the voucher is void unless you extend the validity period.

Extending the validity period of your voucher

Has your voucher expired (or is it about to expire) but still want to fly? Use the link below to extend your voucher for an additional 6 months. Please send us an email once you have paid and include your name and original voucher serial number.

NB This link cannot be used to extend the validity of 3rd party vouchers ie. Into The Blue and BMAA – you must contact the organisation which sold you the voucher.

Extend my MAM Ltd voucher for 6 months £25

Age limit

The minimum age to fly with us is 14.

Weight limit – C-42 (Fixedwing aircraft)

There is a seat weight limit of 120 kilos (18 St 10lbs). This is to ensure the aircraft is legally able to fly within weight and balance limitations. Passengers over the seat weight limit will not be able to fly. We may, in this instance offer the option to reallocate the voucher at our discretion however an admin fee of £25 will be payable.

NB You MUST confirm the passenger weight at time of booking

Weight limit – Shark 600 (Fixedwing aircraft)

There is a seat weight limit of 95 kilos (15 St 2lbs). This is to ensure the aircraft is legally able to fly within weight and balance limitations. Passengers over the seat weight limit will not be able to fly. We may, in this instance offer the option to reallocate the voucher at our discretion however an admin fee of £25 will be payable.

NB You MUST confirm the passenger weight at time of booking

Weight limit – GT450 (Weightshift microlight)

There is a seat weight limit of 110 kilos (17.5 Stones). This is to ensure the aircraft is legally able to fly within weight and balance limitations. Passengers over the seat weight limit will not be able to fly. We may, in this instance offer the option to reallocate the voucher at our discretion however an admin fee of £25 will be payable.

NB You MUST confirm the passenger weight at time of booking

Weight limit – Gyro (MTO3 Gyrocopter)

There is a seat weight limit of 110 kilos 17.5 Stones). This is to ensure the aircraft is legally able to fly within weight and balance limitations. Passengers over the seat weight limit will not be able to fly. We may, in this instance offer the option to reallocate the voucher at our discretion however an admin fee of £25 will be payable.

NB You MUST confirm the passenger weight at time of booking

Physiological limit – GT450 (Weightshift microlight)

Although we have a weight limit of 110 kilos (17.5 Stones), the cockpit of the aircraft being of tandem configuration is ‘snug’ and it is possible that there may be occasional cases where the prospective passenger is within the weight limit but has a large girth which will preclude flight due to the physical restriction that this can impose. If this proves to be the case, we will allow substitution but a £25 admin charge will apply.

NB You MUST confirm the passenger weight at time of booking

Redeeming your voucher

You must bring your voucher on the day of your flight and it must be surrendered to a staff member. Without your voucher your flight will not go ahead and a £25 admin charge will apply for rescheduling. No voucher – no flight.

Cancellations – rescheduling with at least 24 hours notice

If you need to cancel your lesson or reschedule there is no fee provided you notify us at least 24 hours’ notice prior to the lesson.

Cancellations – without 24 hours notice.

Should you cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice there will be a cancellation and re-booking fee of £25. This applies regardless of the reason for customer cancellation.

Failure to show

Failure to arrive for your flight without notification will void your voucher.

Use of vouchers in prize draws

Our vouchers may not be used for a raffle or a prize unless written permission is given in advance by MALSA.

On the day

You must contact the Instructor before 0900 on the morning of your flight before making your journey to the Airfield to confirm it is still possible to proceed.

Contact Numbers

For the C-42 – 07986 679060

For the GT450 – 07986 679060

For the Gyro – 07789 993818

If your flight is cancelled because of the weather or due to other unforeseen circumstances by your instructor there will be no charge to you and the flight will be rescheduled.
NB It is the customer’s responsibility to phone and ensure the flight is able to proceed as planned.

Flight Definition

60 minute Trial flight

This will comprise approximately 50 minutes in the air, the balance comprising pre-start checks, taxiing, pre-take-off checks, taxiing after landing and shut down.

90 minute Trial flight

This will comprise approximately 80 minutes in the air, the balance comprising pre-start checks, taxiing, pre-take-off checks, taxiing after landing and shut down.

Option to upgrade

Subject to availability, you may upgrade your flight from  60 to 90 minutes at no extra charge other than the difference between the current price (on the day of the flight) for a 60 minute or 90 minute flight as displayed on our website.

NB Flight times are logged from engine start to engine stop – not from take-off to landing. However in the event of overly long delay we will extend this to ensure you have a satisfactory flight as defined above.

Our Appointment System and planning your journey

We operate an appointment slot system for all flights. It is important you arrive at least 20 minutes before your flight time. If you are late then we may have no option but to reduce your flight time to the remaining time left on your flight Voucher( i.e. if your flight is for 60 minutes and you arrive 30 minutes late the flight will last 30 minutes, instead of 60 minutes). Please allow extra travel time and ensure that you know exactly where the airfield entrance is situated. At our discretion and subject to availability, we may be able to ‘slip’ your start time but this cannot be guaranteed, particularly on a busy day with a full timetable.

NB Putting our postcode into a Satnav will not take you to the airfield entrance! Please use Google Maps or enter ‘Brock Road, Beccles’ in your Sat Nav – if in doubt, please ask.

Flight Delays

MALSA will strive to fly at your booked time, however flights may be delayed for numerous reasons; weather issues, queuing to take-off or land, or refueling times are just a few. Please be patient if this occurs as these may beyond our control! MALSA will get you airborne as soon as possible!

Cameras and loose articles C-42

The use of cameras is actively encouraged! However, please ensure that you have no small loose articles about your person that could fall out and enter an aircraft control run. Examples include loose change, keys, spare batteries etc etc. If a loose article(s) enters the cockpit the flight will be terminated regardless of duration (this is for your safety). In this case, the voucher will be classed as redeemed and no refund will be given.

NB It is your responsibility to remove any loose articles before flight.

Cameras and loose articles GT450 and Gyro

The GT450’s propeller is located behind the pilot and passenger. Any loose article is highly likely to impact the propeller possibly resulting in an unplanned emergency landing!

The use of cameras is actively encouraged, however; cameras may only be used if fitted with a restraining strap which is secured to your person.  Although you will be flying in a suit, please ensure that you have no small loose articles about your person that could fall out. Examples include loose change, keys, spare batteries etc etc. If a loose article(s) enters the aircraft the flight will be terminated regardless of duration (this is for your safety). In this case, the voucher will be classed as redeemed and no refund will be given.

NB It is your responsibility to remove any loose articles before flight.


Clothing - C-42

Our aircraft is equipped with an effective heater so you won’t need to don a flying suit or wear bulky clothing, simply dress according to the weather, however please note that skirts are unsuitable due to the risk of their fouling the aircraft controls.

Please wear sensible footwear – unfortunately heels are unsuitable.

Clothing - GT450

We will supply you with an insulated flying suit, helmet and headset however you are exposed to the elements in a weightshift microlight and it can be cold. Please wear warm clothing (think walking/hiking attire) and note that skirts are unsuitable.

Please wear sensible footwear – unfortunately heels are unsuitable.

Medical / Physical limitations

You must be capable of releasing your safety harness and (in the C-42) opening the aircraft door in the event of an emergency. Please call to discuss any issues which you think may prevent you, or a friend or relative from flying.

MALSA reserve the right to cancel the flight if we consider it is not in the passenger’s best interest to fly.

Drugs / Alcohol

The passenger must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. We advise a delay of at least 8 hours since any alcohol has been consumed. If MALSA has reason to believe that the person named to fly is unfit due to drugs or alcohol, the flight will be cancelled and your voucher will be void.


There are no refunds given on any gift voucher or lessons beyond 7 days after purchase. We reserve the right to cancel any flight due to weather, Instructor illness, aircraft serviceability, airfield closures due to weather or accidents, customer unsuitability (i.e.over the seat weight limit), some undisclosed illness either physical or mental, intoxication either by alcohol or drugs or abusive behavior.
No loose articles about your person to be carried.

It is the customer’s responsibility to confirm the flight can go ahead as planned before commencing the journey on the telephone numbers listed on our website.

Please remember that failure to arrive for your flight without notification will void your voucher.